From Beyond

I hear your voice without ever knowing how you sound.  I feel your hands but I never saw how they looked.  I see your eyes even though I don’t know what color they are.

From beyond you speak to me… from beyond you look at me.. you look at us.  From beyond you put us in the path in where we need to be.  From beyond I know that you are searching for the same thing we were looking for when we received you.

I feel you in each morning.  I imagine how you would’ve laughed.. I know you smile!

From beyond… There where you were destined to be; yet you still live here in my heart… you never belonged to this Earth because you were so big and your plans and God’s were best.

I remember the sound of your heartbeat… I remember the butterflies that you made me feel.  I think about you so much that I tend to forget that you are not here.

Because you belong to the beyond…  From there you point straight at us…  because you were created to remind us that eternity does exist and be able to look into the infinity of what we may not understand.  To love you from this corner with the infinite possibilities  of feeling you from where you are; from  way beyond.


P.S. This is dedicated to my princess, that I never met but that I am able to feel each day… To that someone that taught me that there will be other moments, that everything happens for a reason and that we are able to love without touch.  It’s been 6 years, but I live with the hope that today these words will serve as light to others (that like me) went through the tragedy of loosing an unborn child.  Unfortunately, this is a topic that we do not talk about often but hopefully one day we will.  I love you Vyanka Lianh…


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